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Gauteng Province e-Tenders

What is this?
Tender listings for all provincial departments and entities in the Gauteng provincial government in South Africa.
Key points
  1. The Gauteng Provincial Treasury introduced its Open Tender system to promote open government principles.
  2. Advertised tenders, closed tenders, awarded tenders, cancelled tenders and upcoming adjudications are listed on the Open Tender website.
  3. Information for suppliers is provided on the Open Tender website, making the procurement process transparent to any supplier wishing to bid.
Why is it important?

Gauteng's Open Tender innovation includes public scrutiny over the opening of the tender boxes and imprinting of all documents, appointing external, independent probity auditors to scrutinize every phase of the tender evaluation process to ensure total compliance with laws and regulations, and most important of all the public adjudication of the decision on the recommended service provider where bidders, the media and interested members of the public can watch the proceedings. Transparent tender procurement processes are more likely to be free from corruption and achieve their intended development objectives than processes where the information is not readily available. It also promotes small businesses in line with government’s commitment to economic transformation and inclusion.

What can it be used for?

The Gauteng Open Tender system enables the public to scrutinize the entire tender process. Using the information on the system, citizen based monitoring efforts can be focused on ensuring Gauteng's provincial departments maintain continuity of services when key contracts are coming to an end and a new round of contracting is occurring. By examining the information in conjunction with Annual Performance Plans, it can be determined if a provincial department is poising itself to achieve planned performance by obtaining the correct goods and services on time.

How can it be accessed and used?
  1. Visit the Gauteng Open Tenders website
  2. Click on Tender Opportunities

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