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Performance and Expenditure Reviews

PER - Artisan Development
There is wide agreement that South Africa produces too few artisans to meet the needs of the economy and that improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the artisan d…
PER - Biofuels
The biofuels regulatory framework aims to encourage the production of biofuel on a commercial scale by establishing transparent criteria for selecting biofuel manufactur…
PER - Critical Skills Immigration Policy
In many developed countries, people with scarce skills receive preferential treatment in the immigration process and some are even proactively sourced, as skilled immigr…
PER - Fleet Management
There is a lack of a comprehensive policy framework for fleet management. The National Transport Circular 4 of 2000 is outdated; while it is currently being updated, it …
PER - Foreign Missions Cost Drivers
South Africa’s foreign missions play a pivotal role in maintaining diplomatic relationships with the rest of the world; facilitating international trade, investment and …
PER - Government Rental Office Accommodation
Government departments lease much of their office accommodation from private landlords, with national departments incurring around R3 billion a year in rental expenses. …
PER - Health Revenue
This Performance and Expenditure Review (PER) aimed to address the issue of poor revenue collection rates at public health facilities in South Africa. To achieve this, a…
PER - Health Services
This Performance and Expenditure Review (PER) was focused on the comparative analysis of three support services, which are pivotal to the delivery of healthcare services…
PER - Housing Programmatic Comparison
The promise of better housing has been a central plank of public policy since 1994. To this end, the government has provided public finance for a range of housing progra…
PER - In-Service Training of Teachers (INSET)
To enhance the quality of teaching and the outcomes of the basic education system, the national Department of Basic Education (DBE) developed a plan for the in-service t…
PER - Land Restitution
South Africa’s land restitution programmes date back to the Restitution Act in 1994 and the opening of the land claims process in 1995. The aim was to return a significa…
PER - Language Services
Historically, English and Afrikaans have been the dominant languages of academia, commerce, government and public life in South Africa, while indigenous languages have b…
The Micro Agricultural Financial Institutions of South Africa (MAFISA) programme was launched as a pilot project in three provinces in 2004/05. Its goal was to provide s…
PER - NAWONGO Implications
Cost implications of the National Association of Welfare Organisations and Non-Governmental Organisations (NAWONGO) court judgements
PER - National Skills Fund (NSF)
One of apartheid’s most malign legacies is educational, both basic and post-school. As a result, government devotes a considerable share of its resources – about 20% of …
PER - National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS)
The main purpose of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is to enable young people from poor households to obtain a higher education. This is essential for …
PER - Nutrition and Food Security for Children
In the mid-1990s, government introduced the Integrated Nutrition Programme. It aimed to improve the health of the poor by delivering a range of nutrition-specific interv…
PER - Post School Education and Training (PSET)
Post-school education and training (PSET) is critical to South Africa’s future socio-economic development. It dramatically improves the employment prospects of young peo…
PER - Provincial Nature Reserves
Section 24 of the constitution gives everyone the right “to have the environment protected, for the benefit of present and future generations” and requires the promotion…
PER - Provincial Office Rental Accommodation
The office accommodation for the provincial sphere of Government extends from provincial capitals to remote, outlying areas of the province, as is necessary for giving e…
PER - Provincial Roads
The main purpose of this performance and expenditure review (PER) was to understand how much is being spent on provincial roads, what drives this expenditure, and what i…
PER - Provincial Roads
Provincial roads are a vital cog in the South African economy, and key to ensuring access to social services. They are generally a high-use infrastructure, the condition…
PER - Public Residential Rental Stock
The purpose of this study was to obtain relevant data and analyse the costs and revenues associated with provincial government renting state-owned residential properties…
PER - Public Transport in Metros
South Africa’s approach to the provision of public transport is encapsulated in the Public Transport Strategy and Action Plan (2007) and the National Land Transport Act …
PER - Rapid Verification of Informal Settlements
The Informal Settlements Service Delivery Rapid Verification Study is not a typical performance and expenditure review (PER). It was commissioned by the Department of Pe…
PER - SEDA Technology Incubators
Small, medium and microenterprises (SMMEs) can play a crucial role in stimulating long-term economic growth and creating jobs. Government therefore offers a range of ser…
PER - Science Councils
Public research institutions (PRIs), such as science councils, play a pivotal role in fostering innovation and technological progress. They typically conduct fundamental…
PER - Social Welfare NPOs
The current model of social welfare delivery is largely based on non-profit organisations (NPOs). These provide a range of services, including residential services for o…
PER - Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges, formerly known as Further Education and Training (FET) colleges, provide education to two groups of peop…
PER - Water Services Delivery Chain
Although significant progress has been made in providing water to households and communities who had no access to these services before 1994, sizeable backlogs remain. A…