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Blacklisted Suppliers

What is this?
List of suppliers who are blacklisted from doing business with the state.
Key points
  1. National Treasury may restrict suppliers who commit fraud, misrepresent facts, breach their contracts or engage in poor performance etc. from doing business with the state.
  2. The actions of National Treasury should be triggered by the instruction/request from the Accounting Officer of a particular institution.
  3. The fields contained in the list include: name of the supplier, their registration number or ID number of director, reason for restriction and the duration of the restriction.
  4. Suppliers are not barred from doing business with the state indefinitely. This allows them the opportunity to rectify the errors that led to the restriction.
Why is it important?

Barring suppliers who engage in bad governance practices and do not deliver according to what was contracted, supports the state to ensure clean governance and efficient service delivery

What can it be used for?

The Blacklisted Suppliers list can be used to ensure that restricted suppliers are not doing business with the state.

How can it be accessed and used?
  1. Visit National Treasury's website
  2. Go to publications
  3. Click on other
  4. Select Database of restricted suppliers under the links section

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